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What to Wear indoor and Outdoor Rock Climbing clothes for beginners

What to Wear Rock Climbing?

If you have just stepped into the world of climbing, the first thing that you need to know is what you should wear for climbing. As you know, for other sports it is pretty simple for you to choose the right apparel like, for swimming, you need a swimsuit, for running, you need to wear running shorts, and for basketball, you need to wear basketball shorts. Though some companies are making climbing-specific clothes average climbers do not need them.

However, if you want to look like a seasoned pro instead of a total goon then this article is worth reading. We will help you to build a climbing wardrobe for both indoor and outdoor climbing.

Indoor Rock Climbing Clothes

Most people start learning climbing from their local climbing gym. We will also start with indoor climbing. Your priority should be comfort when it comes to indoor climbing apparel like stretchy jeans and athletic pants or with a relax t-shirt or a tank top. In unpredictable times like this, indoor climbing gyms do require face masks or a rock climbing neck gaiter for yours and every other climber’s safety.

What to wear for women

For women, I recommend wearing a relaxed t-shirt and stretchy yet comfortable pants that fit  well because pulling up the pants while climbing is not only irritating but can also be very dangerous. Pants and leggings also offer protection against scratches or bruises when you are on the climbing wall. Spandex or other synthetic leggings can be the best choice for women rock climbers because they offer plenty of freedom of movement and fluidity with elastic waistband.

Wearing casual everyday shorts for climbing may not the best choice but again it is all about how comfortable you feel. I mean honestly, if the shorts are calling, then you must rock them. When it comes to shorts, go for longer shorts with spandex under them. You can not go wrong with athletic or workout shorts to give you that full range of motion as well as keeping you cool if it is hot out. Another alternative, if it’s really hot outside at the crag or inside at your local climbing gym, you can wear some lightweight capris. 

What to wear for Men

I have seen most of the guys wearing their casual street pants for climbing in the gym. It is all about durability, comfortability,  and ease of movement. If you wear tight pants, you may not be able to climb easily as it might impair being able to stretch out your legs. As time goes on, and you become more interested in climbing, you might want tithing about investing little money to buy a nice pair of sweat pants, athletic pants, or some looser casual pants for yourself.

However, for guys, shorts made with stiff material can work pretty well. Casual shorts should be avoided because they might lead to an inappropriate view of someone below you (which may not be bad depending on who you are climbing with). But swim trunk, cargo shorts, or climbing-specific shorts can be used.

What to wear for Outdoor Rock Climbing

For outdoor rock climbing, you can use the same clothes that you use for indoor climbing. However, you need to adjust a little by considering the weather condition or climbing type.

Mostly, we see people wearing branded climbing-specific clothes climbing outdoors because these technical outfits work great. But you can climb comfortably without breaking your bank. Here are a few things that you need to consider when you are going for outdoor climbing.

  • Approach length
  • Weather condition
  • Type of climbing

Footwear for Climbing

What to wear for climbing when it comes to footwear? Choose the right footwear by considering the approach length. For a relatively easy and short approach, gym goes and running shoes work great. For the medium or established trail, you can wear both trail runners or a pair of hiking shoes. If you are climbing a scrambling and off-road approach then you must wear approach shoes. Approach shoes are a mix of hiking shoes and climbing shoes. The top offers the durability for hiking while the bottom is suited for climbing. This means that it is meant to stick to rock like a climbing shoe does. Footwear choices mostly depend on personal preferences. Backcountry is one of my favorite resources for climbing gear and offers a great selection of approach shoes.

My Favorite Rock Climbing T-shirts


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Comments (2)

Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Thank you for supplying these tips Emma

Finally a post that is straight to the point! I’m going on a first date to a climbing gym and I have never been before, so this helps! Thank you so much Emma. Also I love your Rock Climbing Gyms in Chicago post, I just moved there and it’s good to know where I can visit! Best wishes. Aaren

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